
SunDesign studio founded in 2004.
The cast members are from other top design firms, as well as  Dentsu and other international advertising agency. In the crush between brand designing and advertising creative thinking, a unique design mission and style. Due to the design of professionalism and uniqueness, SunDesign studio met with international brands, and got the favor of local companies,like SOHO China.

2010, because of customer demand, the Singapore SunDesign Branding Company established in Singapore. Singapore's multicultural atmosphere brought SunDesign more opportunities to meet front-end design trends with the international standards. SunDesign created the design style of orient aesthetics and simplicity with internationalize

2014, SunDesign invested 50 million, settled in Beijing, founded Sunesign Branding (Beijing) Co., Ltd., nject the international modern minimalist design to more brands. Cooperation with China Petroleum, National Grid, and many other large state-owned enterprises,SunDesign meet the requirements of its image to the world. Also help Benostan, Xiang Spa and other foreign brands can be integrated into China to build brand image.

Simple, elegant, international brand design is the core of Sun Microsystems, Sun hopes its brand grasp accuracy, design professional degrees as well as international partners and inclusive vision of Eastern and Western cultures to create more unique qualities of the brand.